Thursday, October 20, 2022

Back, for the Foreseeable Future

Well, la dee FRICKIN' da!

Because the other two managers at work are both slobs who constantly leave things in the wrong spot "for now", I was busy Tuesday night cleaning up and organizing the stockroom, and making space for the next truck. Lo and behold, I hurt my back, yet again.

So from 6:30 pm until Will & I left at 9:45 I hobbled around, and made arrangements for a medical leave of who knows how long.

After yesterday's doctor visit I am off work at least through next Wednesday, with a Thursday return. 

Today Ma was kind enough to do a small food shop for me (and she went her usual generously overboard as always - thanks, Ma!). And I've been dealing with phonecalls and paperwork as it arrives.


1 comment:

  1. ME: At least I can still sit in my car. I would never have been able to do even that much if I still had my 2002 Civic!
