Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve

The family Christmas gathering was very small this year.

Kevin's family was all down with Covid, or at least exposure. Judy & Rich decided not to come (under the weather as well). Hayden & Audrey came early. So it was me, Dad & Ma, and Sarah's clan. It was still fun though, and a lot less hectic than usual.

Ma made a roast beef to go with a charcuterie platter and a cold shrimp plate. All very good! The kids all liked their ornaments/"Hang Out With Food" gifts. Dad & Ma LOVED the mugs I got them. And I came away with a pretty cool haul (haha).

Starbucks Sumatra K-Cups & scratch tickets from Kevin.
'Paris' Starbucks mug and $20 from Sarah.
'Mexico' Starbucks mug & $25 SB gc from Jason.
There is a theme here, but I can't quite grasp it...

It was a fun evening, low-key and cozy.

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