Monday, January 1, 2024

Some Resolutions

I'm going to make a few short-term resolutions, and a couple of long-term ones:

Short Term:

  • Avoid consuming at home: pizza, Chinese food, beer or ice cream, until February.
  • Draw more.
  • Read more, cell phone screen time less (change the ratio of time spent).
  • Avoid time-wasting games like and Elvenar and
Long Term:
  • Exercise 5 days per week minimum! Whether it's walking, hiking, swimming, weights, stretching, stationary biking, or anything else, I need to burn more calories than I did this past year.
  • VISIT! I want to reconnect with friends that for one reason or another (COVID, lack of money with which to goof around, etc...) I haven't seen in person for years.
That's all for now. I'll update in the comments section, and perhaps do a 'Short Term Wrap Up' next month...

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