Sunday, August 27, 2023


Over the course of my life I have been collecting rocks. Not a ton of them, just the occasional one that I felt was cool or interesting at the time. Usually from beaches I've visited, but also from the occasional hike, I'd take one or two home with me to add to my little collection. And back when I still had my green Honda Civic (a 2002 that I bought new, from 2003 - 2019) I kept them in the coin holder between the front seats, kind of like 'portable art', since I never had any use for that spot in my car. Once I sold the car I moved the stones to a glass shower brick on my shelf above the kitchen sink.

Anyway, two days ago I washed the brick inside and out, and began soaking the rocks, since four years of dust and dried insect carcasses had slowly built up inside. I let them soak for a couple of days, let them dry on a towel, and now they are ready to go back in their glass home.

It's cool to see them all so clean, and to get flashes of memories from childhood trips to Hampton Beach and Maine; and adult trips to Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, California, etc..., plus my three years living on Cape Cod. Not to mention all of the hikes from my Mountain Quest series, 2010 - Present.

It's like a whisper of a hobby, but it definitely has meaning, and history.


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