Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Best Soap Ever

Many years ago (sometime between 1998 - 2005) when I was on one of my island trips to Nantucket I found a soap in a local store that had the best scent I'd ever smelled. I'd never been able to find it after that on the mainland, and often lamented it's lack of availability.

Fast forward to a few years ago and I accidentally came across it on Amazon in the form of Primal Elements - Rain Scent. It's only $6.95 for 5.8 oz on Amazon, with a $1.80 shipping fee (as of the date of this post), and it is totally worth it for the scent alone. And it's also great on the skin, and lasts a decent amount of time for the price & size. I might actually buy in bulk one of these days, and spring for an entire loaf.

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